
Get Your Spark Back - Part 3 of 3

Carla Reeves | Life Strategy Coach

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Have you ever felt like you lost your spark?  Maybe you feel that way today.  I often hear people say, "I've lost my spark."  To them, it feels as if it's truly lost.

May this series remind you that your spark isn’t something outside of you, it’s inside you AND it's actually your responsibility to keep it alive.  

The good news is you have full control to get your spark back. 

This episode is the last in the series to teach you ways to use the "Art of Sweeping" practice to keep your spark alive.

Get ready to explore where you might need to sweep your commitments, obligations and physical clutter to get your spark back and keep it alive!


Get Your Free Copy of the "Get Your Spark Back Workbook"!

Episodes Mentioned:
Sweep Your Relationships

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Learn more about Carla:
Website: https:/www.carlareeves.com/
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Go to https://www.carlareeves.com/getunstuck.com to download Carla's on demand journaling workshop + exercise to help you stop spinning and start moving forward.

Explore Coaching with Carla: https://bookme.name/carlareeves/lite/explore-coaching

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Speaker 1:

I'm Karla Reeves, and this is Differently. Whether you feel stuck in survival, navigating a change or seeking more for your life, may this podcast be your weekly nudge to take a risk to build a life that is uniquely bold, authentic and in alignment with your deepest values. After a decade of coaching individuals from corporate leaders to creative artists to multi-million dollar CEOs I'm convinced we are far closer than we realize to what we deeply desire, and it's a willingness to do differently that can change everything. Welcome back to another episode of Differently. I'm your host, karla Reeves. Today's episode is the last and final in a series I've been doing called Get your Spark Back. If you haven't listened to part one and two, I highly recommend you hit pause, go back and listen to the first two as we cover the two very important steps to getting your spark back. But a quick recap Often when people reach out to explore coaching with me, they express one of their greatest desires is to get their spark back.

Speaker 1:

To them it feels like it's lost and maybe never to return, or it's something outside of them. Maybe you feel that way today your spark. Think of it as your spirit, your vitality, your energy, that life force, the energy that comes from deep within that gives you inspiration, drive, energy, desire and willingness. It's the thing that puts a spring in your step and that spark in your life. There are two important things to know. It isn't something outside of you, it's inside you and it's your responsibility, our responsibility as humans, to do what we can to keep this alive. I have good news for you. What I believe to be true is that it's not lost. It's inside of you and there are things that you can do to keep it alive. I have a surprise for you. So we created a free, downloadable workbook to help you write your way through these exercises and this three-part series, and it's something you can do again and again, and I recommend that we set this up. Last week it wasn't quite working. There were some hiccups. If you tried to get it and couldn't, I apologize, but it's working. Now you can go to carlarivescom forward, slash, spark and grab your copy of the workbook. There'll also be a link in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

Today we're talking about another way that you can get your spark back and keep it alive, specifically on the importance of sweeping your obligations, your commitments and the clutter that weighs us down. If you're listening, live, it's the end of the year and a great, great, great time for sweeping and making space for something new in your life. Life has a way of piling on responsibilities and distractions that can dim our inner flame. We find ourselves caught up in the daily grind, feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from what truly brings us joy. But fear not, my friend, because today we're going to uncover the power of really decluttering our lives to reclaim that spark. First, let's talk about obligations and commitments that can weigh us down. It can be easy to get caught up in saying yes to everything and everyone, but there's a cost, right? We spread ourselves thin, leaving little time and energy to what truly matters to us, and it's time to step back, assess your commitments, prioritize what aligns with your values and your passions and who you are, and by learning to say no to some things that don't light us up, we create space for the activities and relationships that really give energy, align with who we are and what we're up to, and that brings your spark back.

Speaker 1:

Oftentimes, I see clients who feel trapped by a commitment or an obligation that maybe they took on a very long time ago. Maybe they've always been the go-to for this or that, or they've always been the one to host a certain gathering at their house. Maybe they've always been one to organize the family gatherings or some of their type of events and they just feel trapped inside of it. Or maybe it's something that you've taken on at work but it's not your responsibility and over time, if we're doing these things and they start to feel out of alignment but we keep doing them, we get frustrated and resentful, and those are both really good indicators that there might be an outdated arrangement here that you're still navigating. Knowing that you have permission to change these things and set up new arrangements can be so liberating, and I'm giving you permission here today and you can do this with tons of love. Everyone involved might be feeling the same or similar way, but they're afraid to do anything about it too. As we go through this exercise on the worksheet, you're going to walk through every little area and it's going to guide you into the writing for each part. So in this particular part, you would want to kind of scan through your life and look at what are those commitments and obligations, what are those places in your life where you have been feeling frustrated or resentful, and how can you take responsibility for that.

Speaker 1:

Next, let's tackle the clutter that accumulates in our physical and mental spaces. Our environments play a significant role in the way that we feel and function. Take a look around you. Is your physical space cluttered and chaotic? Maybe it's time to declutter and create a space that really nurtures you and what you're up to in this season in your life. Clearing out physical clutter, organizing your belongings and creating a calm environment is so good for your soul, is so good for your spark, is so good for your productivity and creativity.

Speaker 1:

We happen to be smack dab in the middle of moving out of our home that we've been in for 25 years and, while this idea has been in the works for some time, the actual forward motion of it has happened in the last 30 days, and my head is still honestly spinning a bit about this. We're very excited, but we have definitely been clearing out clutter. We're packing our things, getting rid of things and making choices about what to hang on to, what is sentimental, what is useful, what brings joy, and letting go of the rest. While it has been somewhat emotional, this is a very freeing process and I recommend doing this on a regular basis. Not the moving part, but the cleaning and shedding of old energy. It's so good for your spirit, but it's not just about physical clutter. Don't forget that. We've got to always go back to what we talked about in the number one, which is that mental clutter that weighs us down. Our minds can be so cluttered with negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and we must sweep those mental cobwebs alongside doing the physical clearing as well.

Speaker 1:

Now let's talk about some actionable takeaways from today's episode. First, I want you to start by identifying your commitments and your obligations that no longer align with your values and passions. Learn to say no graciously and creates more space for what lights you up. As you do this in your life, you give other people permission to do the same in their life. It's contagious. Second, declutter your physical space and think about what it would look like to create an environment that really fosters your joy and inspiration in the coming year. And don't forget last but maybe not least, don't forget to take out that mental clutter as well and empty the mental trash on a regular basis.

Speaker 1:

To see the wrap up summary and writing prompts to guide you through this process, be sure to grab your Get your Spark Back Workbook that we created for you. You're going to love this. It's at KarlaRevescom forward slash spark. I will also put it in the show notes. You can use this tool again and again to be sure that you get your spark back and keep it alive. Remember, keeping our spark alive requires intentional action. By regularly sweeping away the mental, emotional and physical clutter from our lives, you create a space to keep your inner fire bright, brighter than before. Try this on for size and watch how it elevates your energy and your vitality.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for tuning in today. I appreciate you. The world needs your spark. Get sweeping, my friend. Hey, thanks for tuning into this episode of Differently. I hope it stirred your thinking and I invite you to take one inspired action from something that stood out to you. If you want to hear more conversations like this, be sure to hit follow on your favorite podcast app and if this episode could impact someone you know, please help us spread the word and pass it along. Remember, new episodes drop weekly. See you next week.