
Journaling: A Habit that Will Change Your Life

Carla Reeves

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Journaling changed my life. It can change yours.

Before you dismiss this episode because your are someone who cringes at the idea of journaling, have tried and not been successful, or feel journaling just isn't for you - there might be something here that you haven't considered.

When you are setting and going after goals - I’ve always thought it a great idea to incorporate a habit or two that can support you realizing the goals.  

In this short episode, I share 3 big ways that journaling can support all of your goals.

 Grab a notebook and tune in.

Learn more about Carla:  https:/www.carlareeves.com/

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Explore Coaching with Carla:  https://bookme.name/carlareeves/lite/explore-coaching

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Learn more about Carla:
Website: https:/www.carlareeves.com/
Connect on LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/reevescarla/
Connect on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@differentlythepodcast

Go to https://www.carlareeves.com/getunstuck.com to download Carla's on demand journaling workshop + exercise to help you stop spinning and start moving forward.

Explore Coaching with Carla: https://bookme.name/carlareeves/lite/explore-coaching

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