
Move Differently with Beth Sandlin

Carla Reeves | Life Strategy Coach

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 Does your thinking need an upgrade when it comes to your fitness, energy, and vitality goals? 

When life threw a curveball at Beth Sandlin, Pilates wasn't just a form of exercise—it was a lifeline. 

Beth Sandlin is committed to inspiring people to take Aligned Action toward their wellness goals, Specializing in dynamic at-home Pilates workouts, her approach blends mindfulness and energy level to nurture your nervous system. 

This is a heartfelt conversation that isn't just about the physical aspects of movement; it's a deep dive into the interplay between our physical and spiritual well-being, and how the principles of Pilates can support a path to healing and vitality. 

Get ready to be inspired to:

  • Ditch rigid routines
  • Shed outdated thinking
  • And, tap into your intuition and creativity to increase movement and energy in your life!


Learn more about Beth:

Website:  https://www.trifectapilates.com

Try her Free Program: https://www.trifectapilates.com/move

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/trifectapilates

Connect on IG: https://www.instagram.com/trifectapilates

Learn more about Carlahttps:/www.carlareeves.com/

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Explore Coaching with Carla:  https://bookme.name/carlareeves/lite/explore-coaching

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Learn more about Carla:
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Go to https://www.carlareeves.com/getunstuck.com to download Carla's on demand journaling workshop + exercise to help you stop spinning and start moving forward.

Explore Coaching with Carla: https://bookme.name/carlareeves/lite/explore-coaching

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Speaker 1:

I'm Karla Reeves, and this is Differently. Whether you feel stuck in survival, navigating a change or seeking more for your life, may this podcast be your weekly nudge to take a risk to build a life that is uniquely bold, authentic and in alignment with your deepest values. After a decade of coaching individuals from corporate leaders to creative artists to multi-million dollar CEOs I'm convinced we are far closer than we realize to what we deeply desire, and it's a willingness to do differently that can change everything. Does your thinking need an upgrade when it comes to your fitness, energy and vitality goals? Our guest today is going to stretch, challenge and upgrade our thinking when it comes to juggling all the things and making time for our bigger commitments, like our body and well-being, specifically, movement and exercise.

Speaker 1:

Beth Sandlin is committed to inspiring people to take aligned action toward their wellness goals. She specializes in dynamic at-home Pilates workouts. Her approach blends mindfulness and takes your energy into consideration to nurture your nervous system. Get ready to be inspired to ditch rigid routines, shed all that outdated thinking and tap into your intuition and creativity to design this part of your life in a way that lights you up, that works and that brings you joy. Today, I have a special guest on the show. We're doing something differently today. Beth actually reached out to me. I hadn't ever met her before, but she reached out so thoughtfully and so differently. I was super inspired to have her on the podcast. So welcome to the show.

Speaker 2:

Beth, thank you so much for having me. I'm so thrilled to be here today and talk about how we do things differently in entrepreneurship and movement.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I loved your email to me said move differently. I love that because I think it applies to not only our bodies, but just how we move in life. Beth, there was something I saw on your website that said Pilates is the path I use to live my best life. I would love for you to just start there. Give us the story behind that.

Speaker 2:

I would love to share that because so many times when people get into Pilates or any workout, it really starts from for their physical body. This has transformed or transcended from a workout. For me and the people I work with, it's really about empowering people and myself to fulfill the life that we're meant to lead. So it's about feeling amazing, boosting overall energy, aging gracefully all through moving our bodies at home and the Pilates method. So we can focus on narrow aspect of Pilates or any type of workout such as physical activity, the physical benefits, we can take a deep dive into that. But when we also step back from that and understand the mental component and spiritual well-being that is innately fostered when we are moving our body from a really soothing session to something that is much more challenging and vigorous and that starts aligning with the harmony of our nervous system, that's when it is so much more powerful. It's more consistent. We take the pressure off from.

Speaker 2:

Workouts always have to be challenging or long in length and it honestly took me a really long time to get there because when I got into Pilates it was from a physical perspective it was about a year after I had cancer and I really enjoyed it, went into a session where it was that typical hour-long session and I was doing workouts that were about an hour long and that worked for a certain phase of my life.

Speaker 2:

But what it set me up for is, as more layers stacked on such as working, having children, changing different elements and hiccups with kids being sick or work deadlines that if I didn't have that full hour I would start to feel guilty. Or, as I was getting exhausted because my nervous system was starting to burn out from just the constant grind, I wasn't giving myself the opportunity to move in a different way and diversify that. And there was a shift where, once I started learning more about trauma and the nervous system, that it just unlocked a wealth of knowledge, of listening to the innate wisdom of my body, and I encourage people to listen to the wisdom of their body and really follow along with those. Sometimes it's breadcrumbs that we've been ignoring. If we could just listen to those a little bit more, it can help us understand. Do we need to do a different type of movement that's really going to benefit our energy level for that day, which is going to be so much more beneficial for not only how we're moving and entrepreneurship as well, but for our everyday life?

Speaker 1:

So I want you to go back a little bit to when you went through cancer. Were you doing Pilates before that, or did this come out of that? I'm curious about your own personal transformation there. What occurred, and how did Pilates support you in that time of your life?

Speaker 2:

Wonderful. So at the age of 20, I was diagnosed very unexpectedly with cancer. It was very quickly. I had leukemia. It was acute leukemia, which is incredibly fast, and I was not doing Pilates at that time. If we were to rewind just a little bit for a glimpse of that.

Speaker 2:

I did not always enjoy working out, in fact. I remember being in PE class in middle school being really embarrassed that I couldn't do things with the ease that other people did and it led me down just not even trying with workouts because it was so embarrassing, especially because my younger sister could do a pushup and I couldn't do a pushup. But it was when I was in college, about a year before my cancer diagnosis. I was walking up a flight of stairs and I was talking to someone and I realized I was getting winded just from walking up a flight of stairs. Now we were running up them, just a casual walk, and I realized well, I want to get into hiking. I can't even walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded. Maybe it's time I start putting forth going to the gym. So I started traditional gym and that was beneficial for a short period of my life and it was then.

Speaker 2:

Once I got out from I was in remission from the cancer that I had about a year later is when I came across Pilates, and one of the benefits of it was is there was a lot more work where we're able to lay down and do movements which can be really restorative kind of help. Align the body On those days when we have a lower energy is helpful in that way. And also what I realized is we were working through a bigger range of motion which, from a physical perspective, is really beneficial for our overall joint health mobility. So I wasn't exploring and moving with Pilates prior to cancer or during cancer, it was afterwards. But what I know now is if I would have understood Pilates, it really would have helped me, because while I was in the hospital and I was going through the most challenging phases with my cancer treatment, there was certain aspects I remember of. You know.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm in a lot of physical pain. The pain medication is not cutting it. I'm going to focus on deep breathing and it was kind of like just throwing a dart at the dartboard, but the lights are all off and you never play darts, for I didn't really have a robust set of tools and it really didn't take me very far. So what I've realized is, whether it's gentle movements or deep breathing, I'm able to integrate that more now that I have more tools and resources. So it can be very helpful when maybe we are limited with what we can do. We can focus on a specific element of Pilates, or if we're in a better state of physical health, such as I compare myself now compared to when I was going through cancer treatment. I'm in a better state of physical health. It's more about overall physical activity and fitness.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, so incredible. There's so many pieces I want to go back to in what you've shared. But one sort of funny note that you're going to laugh at but I discovered Pilates a lot, a lot of years ago. I love Pilates. I fell in love with Pilates because I could lay down and work out. I thought that was the coolest thing and not only just work out but get a great workout. So I love that. You said that too.

Speaker 2:

It really is a great workout and for maybe for those of you who have never tried Pilates before or you haven't even liked it I also wanted to share this that my very first Pilates session I didn't even realize I was doing Pilates because my teacher didn't tell me and it wasn't like an official Pilates class and we were in high school and we were doing the 100 exercise. Now, if you're familiar with the 100 exercise, you know it feels pretty awkward at first because you're trying to breathe deeply, you're pumping your arms, you're holding your legs in a position that's quite challenging. It's an endurance exercise for the abs. We're supposed to have this like serene relaxation in the shoulders and neck. I mean, there's a lot of different components and we just felt so awkward that they burst out laughing during the exercise, along with all the other people who were in the session.

Speaker 2:

And so I share that, because my first experience with Pilates was not I love this, I'm going to do this as my life, career or move with it for the next over 20 years. It was. I'm never doing that again. So my recommendation, whether with Pilates or anything else, try. If you don't really resonate it with the first time, maybe it's simply because it's new and so maybe try again with a different teacher or a different style of class, because really there's so many options.

Speaker 1:

Completely agree. So, on that note, one of the other things that you're talking about is I feel like you're helping us change our mindset around. Actually, it's something I also saw on your website, but you said you know we can't stay stuck in what worked well in the past or wait for schedules to change. And I talk about the someday illusion on this podcast, a lot that like, oh, someday, when then I'm going to start working out someday, when then I'm going to feel better in my body, right, and I love that you say that, and I think the type of Pilates that you're offering and the with your app which we'll talk about later but is also inviting like a different mindset around how we weave movement into our everyday lives and our business and entrepreneurship and all those things. So I'd love for you to speak a little bit about that.

Speaker 2:

I would love to you know I think that that's one of the main benefits of moving at home is it doesn't always make sense to get in your car and drive and go to the gym or Pilates studio for a 10 minute workout Like that. It would be a total of at least 30 minutes. But the benefits of moving at home in particular is it can be a short 10 minute workout and what happens is when we hold on to. Well, I've heard that 45 minute workouts are really great for our metabolism, so I need to do that 45 minute workout and if we look realistically at our schedule, we may be in a phase of our life where it's just not helpful to do that type of workout, and it could be for a few reasons. It could be for time. I want to validate that. It could also be if we're just getting back into a workout or a workout routine. It's not my recommendation to start with a 45 minute workout.

Speaker 2:

Starting with a shorter 10 minute workout was so beneficial and this is what I have done too. It was when I was trying to hold on to. I workout for an hour long and I had transitioned from being a Pilates teacher in a Pilates studio to now working full time. This was when I was at the university 40 hours a week, a total of a two hour commute, kids still at home. So when I came home it was dinner time. Before going to work it was getting them ready.

Speaker 2:

I didn't have a lot of time, was trying to hold on to that hour long workout and I realized this just isn't beneficial, not only time wise, for my nervous system, and also I just wasn't in a point where that was going to be beneficial for my physical body either. And so I went down to my basement, because that's where I work out. And 10 minutes later I came back upstairs and my husband looked at me and said you're done already. Yep, I'm done already, because that's really what I had time for, and for a really long time. 10 minutes was the workout that I moved with consistently.

Speaker 2:

Now let's counter that that sometimes I'll go down in the basement. I'm doing something maybe much more slower, more nourishing, and I'm down there. I'm down there even longer and I don't want this to scare people, but at the opposite end it could be up to an hour and a half, because it's not a vigorous workout. My intention is just a nice reset routine and I'll come back upstairs and my husband says, gosh, you were down there for a long time. So I encourage us to detach from it has to be a certain length of time to what is the time that's going to be valuable from you from a time management perspective, yes, and also what is beneficial for your overall essence of who you are right in that moment.

Speaker 1:

So beautiful. So I'm smiling over here because I've been doing 10 minute workout. I do a 10 minute workout every morning and I've had people laugh, you know, at that. But it's exactly what you said. For me, it's the thing that sets my morning up. It gets my blood flowing, it gets my body moving, it makes me feel so incredibly good and then I might do another one later, I might do a longer one later. I have weights in my office and I have a ball in my office and if I need a break or need some energy, I stop and do stuff. You know, kind of midday too. But I love the shorter workouts and I love what you're saying too about the longer ones. I'd love for you to talk. You mentioned, you know, like, really like paint, attention to your essence and your essence today, and I think you mentioned even like following these breadcrumbs. I'd love for you to talk about that a little bit, explain what. What exactly is that and how can people listening really tune into that more?

Speaker 2:

It's. It's taking the opportunity to truly understand the signals your body is sending you and not get it confused with the messages we've heard about what is physical activity for workouts or overall wellness. So what happens sometimes, especially if you're over the age of 40, in particular, we grew up with messages workouts must be long, they must be hard, you have to keep going, you have to push through the pain in order for it to be valuable. And what's that that's led us is somewhat reluctancy to move and listen to our body, and I distinctly remember a client I was working with got injured because in her mind she was thinking this isn't good for me, this isn't good for me. She's working one on one with a personal trainer and he was focusing on more. And then ten session there's nothing wrong with challenging workouts or challenging exercise in the right dosage but she put all of her kind of reliance on this person is the expert and I flip that with you are the expert in your body, and how can we listen to? What does your body need? Does it need something physically vigorous to kind of get that energy expended from, maybe, a stressful deadline that you just had? Are you focusing on physical activity, that vigorous workout because you want to work on bone density or muscular strengthening exercises, or are you working on something that's a little bit slower and you could work on something slower either? From a physical perspective, we know flexibility, mobility, focusing on deep breathing, very beneficial, slower sessions and something that we sometimes deem as a little bit easier and that's also really beneficial for our nervous system reset. So it's I like to think of it, on a continuum. We have very soothing and restorative sessions that we can have all the way to like. We're going to just focus on breathing to very vigorous, high intensity, challenging. And what's beautiful right now is the research. There's more research to validate that both of these somewhat extremes are not only beneficial for the body in different ways, but are also beneficial for mental health games. So for so long, the narrative has been deep breathing is really beneficial to calm nervous system, reduce anxiety, but now we have counter to that, that more vigorous exercises to and where some people start getting infuses oh my gosh, it's just like I should do everything.

Speaker 2:

Know what this is telling me is that it's about personalization, and if we think, what do we kind of lean towards? How is that benefiting us? So, for those of us who are working. You know, as an entrepreneur, what I've realized is that when, when you're really in your meeting deadlines and a lot's going on, if you stay busy with tasks, you may tell yourself I'm not motivated to work out. But if you take just a little bit to pause, you know a minute to pause. Is that true? Or is your body saying I don't feel like going on that run and I need to do something a little bit more down regulating, because that's going to be really beneficial for increased productivity, to feel better in my body after the end of a long work day? Exactly what you're doing, which is those 10 minute workouts. We can maybe stack them if that's helpful.

Speaker 1:

I love that. So it's really listening to our bodies to say what do I, what do I need today? What's going to feel good today? And I, for me, I know that, you know, five or 10 minute workout helps me get past the mindset of like I don't want to work out today or I don't want to exercise. It feels hard. I know that I can do anything for like five minutes and every single time I feel better. And then sometimes I want to go longer, sometimes I feel stronger and so I'll grab my weights and add those, and other times it's more stretching, because that's what I need in that particular day. So what you're saying is really just tuning in and listening and not necessarily having to subscribe to Doing the same kind of thing every day for the same amount of time 100% and you're, you are capturing it 100% and what you do is, you know that, 10 minutes and I love how you said, sometimes I go longer.

Speaker 2:

So for a lot of people I work with that's what they've realized as well if they just get started with something that feels like let's just try this, and it could be, you know, I'm really low on energy so I'm going to start laying down, or the opposite is, I'm really low on energy so I want to do something Standing, because that's going to get kind of the blood flowing maybe a little bit more. There's not a right or wrong and what so many people have realized is, if they have time, then they'll go on and they'll press play on another class, because what we know to be true about moving our body with workouts is there's that release where it starts Increasing that heart rate and that blood flow, and then we start getting more motivated. But if we think, oh my gosh, I have to do something, so long that's when it's we're not. We're thinking about what does the body need? And for those of you who maybe are like me, or more like hours Karla you mentioned, like your morning routine that's actually something that I strive for but realistically right now I'm not even trying for that, like maybe in a few months time.

Speaker 2:

What I really have a more consistent practice with is an evening on wine practice which is 10 minutes and for any of you who maybe have a hard time getting to sleep or Like just have a switching off from your work and your day into your evening routine, a gentle on wine routine is really beneficial for that. I can help ease into the evening and is also has been physical benefits as well.

Speaker 1:

I think that's such amazing and I as such an amazing idea and I think you know a lot of my clients struggle with sleep and struggle with sleep and struggle with.

Speaker 1:

You know we were there, were very creative, and so sometimes you have those created creativity cycles that can leave you very wound up, and so I love the idea of the 10 minutes at night to unwind and really creating your own blend of this on any given day. That's going to support your energy. I you mentioned also, when you and I were talking before we hit record about how this all really ties to entrepreneurship and our goals, and I know in my life I've had to do a lot of, I guess, unwinding my thinking around sort of time management and shifting it more to energy management and movement is such a key piece in that for me. Like you said, if I have that dip in energy later in the day or evening and I've got more I want to do, going for a walk or doing A little bit of exercise is so helpful, so I'd love for you to share your perspective on that.

Speaker 2:

What exactly? So when we think about entrepreneurship, many of us before we were entrepreneurs had this nine to five for me it was eight to five job and we wanted to detach from that because it just was no longer serving us. We wanted to really step into something that was more authentic to who we are and fit also with the idea of but we carry the skills that we gained from not only our regular job back in the day but also school. Think about when we're in school. It was Maybe. It wasn't nine to five, it was eight to three. It was.

Speaker 2:

You do these things at certain times and there wasn't a lot of investigation. Well, when are your high energy points? When are those lower energy points? So with entrepreneurship, we want to have those high energy phases and it could be in our day. We tend to have higher energy and then lower energy. It could also be throughout the week, for instance, if you're able to have a more relaxing weekend, maybe Monday you have higher energy and by Friday your work day looks a little bit different, or it goes on more of a month monthly cycle.

Speaker 2:

So there's a lot of variety with our energy we're looking at when does it make sense to have more activities focused on in those high energy days compared to the low energy days. How can you fill in that way? And the beautiful thing is, workouts can complement this because they can give us energy opposite to pleat energy. And that's where, when we tune into what our workouts doing How's your energy before, during and after Can be really valuable information, especially as an entrepreneur. So if you know that a very challenging class, that afterwards you feel more tired Because the body needs an extended period of time to recover, there's not necessarily anything wrong with that. But if you're in the phase, maybe if you are an entrepreneur and you maybe do like launches, for instance, doesn't make sense in that launch week for you to expend a whole lot of extra energy working out. It probably makes more sense to do something a little bit more gentle, a little bit more soothing, something slower, because we have so much energy going on In the business.

Speaker 1:

And here's that makes so much sense when we're working.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm. When we take the time to work out consistently at the right dosage, it's going to, over time, increase our energy. I like to think maybe we start with that very short class, no extra resistance. Then we say, okay, this is getting a little bit easier and I'm feeling good afterwards. Here's another skill I like to use. Is it easy? Is it moderate? Is it? This is super intense?

Speaker 2:

For what we know for strength gains is that we want to have the class to be I'm not moderate to more intense side. Sometimes, if we're starting to notice this is easy and I want to go up a little bit, if we turn up that dial of intensity, then we're going to get stronger. As we get stronger, it's going to make our daily life easier. For instance, if someone can lift a 15-pound weight and they are doing bicep curls, 15 pounds on each side, that's a total of 30 pounds. When they go to lift a big bag of their dog's food that they got from Costco, it's going to be easier on their body compared to someone who maybe at this point can only lift the three pounds.

Speaker 2:

We know that the stronger we are helps with daily activity, helps with our energy overall, and that's really what we want to focus on To get from that three pounds to 15, we just need to give it time, because workouts and entrepreneurship another parallel is that it takes time. It's about sustainability. It's not about a month of being an entrepreneur, a month of working out, and then you just exhaust and like, oh, that doesn't make sense for my life or my body. It's what's that long-term plan? We're slowly tuning into what you need and also that dial of what is right right now. It's going to help us today and in the future.

Speaker 1:

Incredible. I love this so much. We talk a lot about consistent, aligned actions over time create traction and sometimes massive traction. I love your approach there too. It aligns very much. Can I offer a little extra? Yeah, please.

Speaker 2:

I have a framework in which it's Neurosematic Pilates and there's three different elements. When these three elements are combined, that's what I term aligned action from a physical movement perspective. That alignment word is important, not only in entrepreneurship, but the movement. I'll just give a brief recap. We're focusing not only on whether the physical benefits of a well-rounded workout program that we want Like we know there's five essential elements for that but whether you personally enjoy.

Speaker 2:

This is the beautiful thing about what we know about movement now is it's not that we have to rely on one type of workout. It's like a car. I drive a Mazda. If I were to say you only can drive a Mazda to drive, that's the only thing, it just doesn't make sense. There's a lot of other cars that can get us to the same place. What we also know, if we link this back to the physical pillar, my Mazda is not going to pull our trailer. We really love going camping in our trailer in summer. We need my husband's truck for that. Sometimes we need a more powerful vehicle to work in alignment with that physical element that is really beneficial for our body. Then the other aspect that rounds us out is understanding the physiological element. This is the nervous system in particular, what is your autonomic nervous system telling you when you need to turn it up with intensity, when you need to dial it down, when all those three elements fall into our cohesive, I'll say that's aligned action from a movement perspective.

Speaker 1:

I love that so much. I've never heard that that makes so much sense. That really ties back to everything you've been sharing, that those are the things we need to be paying attention to to make our own blend every day of how this looks in our lifestyle.

Speaker 2:

Exactly because what I realized I came up with this framework about a year ago is that a lot of people were asking me but if I listen to my body, I'm only going to do the easy workouts all the time. Number one that is not true. When you listen to your body, you may go through a phase where you're really focusing on more restorative work which, side note here, is actually part of a well-rounded workout program is having weeks of recovery, a week or weeks of recovery off before you hit another cycle of more challenging workouts. Once again, it's understanding. We're going to tap into.

Speaker 2:

What are you focusing on when you're working on more that physical component, always having what you enjoy. But even with that, when we think about a challenging maybe strengthening workout, it can be one that's very fast-paced, but we can also do a strengthening workout that's slower-paced. That may be really much more beneficial, not only because we can maybe get more full-range emotion we're focusing on technique but also for our nervous system. That's what's really been empowering for people who are taking part of the app is they're exploring with this more and what they're realizing is they're more motivated to move rather than less, and they're getting more benefits from moving their body, adding more variety rather than just thinking. 45-minute workout always has to be challenging.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm. So much freedom, so much freedom in all of this. Beth, you said that I think this was on your website too that if I'm not finding pleasure in life, I find a way to change that. I can feel that in everything that you've shared here, but I'd love for you to tell us where did that come from and where did that start for you? What does that mean for you exactly?

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for asking this question. I was thinking about it right before I sat down for this conversation today, this shift that I had. It was the first time that my husband and I took a vacation away from our kids. Our kids were toddlers, our youngest was pretty young. We went to this beautiful Mexico retreat vacation and we just laid by the pool and the beach and had delicious food. My favorite was this chocolate fettuccine, which was really really good. Wow.

Speaker 2:

When I came home I realized I am going right back in to my stress response cycle. That vacation, as beautiful as it was, is completely gone. Then, if I were to rewind a little bit more, I realized that when I had cancer, everything stopped. I had to drop out of college to go into the hospital. There was a big shift. My focus was on going through the cancer treatment, healing and recovering. But again I went right back to that stress response cycle that I had always had, overreacting to things, getting overwhelmed, and I realized I cannot wait for another beach vacation because it's not realistic for my life. I want to enjoy every single day. That's what cancer taught me let's be here every single day. And slowly that faded away. It was that vacation and coming back that they realized I'm going to enjoy what I'm doing. I started realizing how am I reacting to stress? How am I giving other people control over my responses? This doesn't mean that, like everything is easy. There's challenges. But what am I enjoying? The moment that I'm no longer finding enjoyment, then we need to think about how I'm going to shift or how we're going to shift.

Speaker 2:

For some time, I was really finding enjoyment working full-time At the university. I eventually promoted to assistant director of educational services and I realized that was no longer my passion and drive anymore. It's someone else needed actually to step into that role that I was in, to bring their new passion and drive. My passion and drive was actually reconnecting more fully into movement and Pilates. It was that experience that I wanted, what I do on a day-in and day-out basis, like I don't want to have a bucket list. In essence, I want what I'm doing today to be amazing and valuable and not think well someday. What I've found is not only does my business support this, but my movement supports this.

Speaker 2:

If someone were to ask me in 20 years what would have happened if you missed that day of workout? Well, nothing, I wouldn't even remember it. But what I know is consistent workouts help me feel better in my body. They're actually really regulating for our energy. When you're moving in alignment with the right type of workout for you, I'm just a happier person to be around and I just feel better as well. What do I know?

Speaker 2:

As we're getting older, the adage, if you don't use it, you're going to lose it is 100 percent true. So many times when we think about when we're getting older, what we hear is I'm getting older, so I'm not as strong. I'm getting older, so my joints hurt. I'm getting older and it's harder for me to get up and down off the floor. It's simply because we're not moving our bodies in diverse ways, which Pilates is really wonderful at, so we stay mobile.

Speaker 2:

All the research shows that when we exercise with a well-rounded routine, we can maintain or improve joint health, our range of motion, our bone density, our muscular mass, our balance. And I want to be here for as long as possible, but I need to feel good doing it, so that's really why I move out or workout. That's really the essence of when I'm feeling like either business or workouts is no longer doing in alignment with that. I need to just sit with. What shifts do I need to make and not be so stuck with what worked well in the past or what we're told is a narrative we should be doing or looking to what someone else is doing, but instead look within.

Speaker 1:

Beth, that was like for people listening. Go back and rewind that and listen to that again. That's how I feel. I want to go back and listen to that again. So much juice in that, so much gold in that.

Speaker 1:

It just makes my heart sing because we don't know how much time we have and what's the point if we're just working, working, working to get to vacation, like I have this on my desk, like build a life you don't have to escape, and that's what you really you're talking about and taking ownership and creative power to really do that. And little by little, by little by little. I mean, I don't know about you, beth, but for me, like this has happened over a lot of time. I think I said to you before we hit record like it took me a long time after getting out of the nine to five job to not feel guilty to work out during the day or go run errands during the day, and it takes time to change some of these patterns, but it's so rewarding and I just thank you for everything you just shared. That was so beautiful.

Speaker 2:

I'm so glad it resonated and I'm also happy that you mentioned just take the time, you know, because so often we want a quick fix, whether it comes to our entrepreneurship journey, our life with workouts, and we know that that quick fix isn't a sustainable for us. So, from an entrepreneurial perspective, it took me about two years to build the business to where I felt like I could no longer work that nine to five job because having a reliable income was really important. And the same can be said with workouts. So many people who work with me it's like after the first month it's, oh, this is so amazing, but when and when is like, am I really going to see benefits? And I've noticed the longer people stay with it, the more they realize after a year I'm getting it after two years.

Speaker 2:

So is that consistency? Which is the only way to be consistent with anything is if we're enjoying it. So how can you enjoy life, how can you enjoy entrepreneurship, how can you enjoy moving your body and always questioning how does this need to be a little bit different? A little bit differently, if we want to use that word, which is amazing and I love it.

Speaker 1:

So so good, OK, so I think that's a perfect segue into tell. Tell everyone. How do we find out more about what you're doing? How do we get connected to the app? What do you what in what is available on the app? I'd love for you to give listeners a sense of like what's there, because I'm excited to check that out more too. Like I've tried your classes, they were great. I would actually like to incorporate more of that into my life. So tell us about your, all the things.

Speaker 2:

The number one place to really find out everything that I do is the website at trifectafiladescom. I'm on YouTube. I have a YouTube channel, which is also a really nice place just to get started, if you want to try a few workouts. It's I kind of think about YouTube as like going to Costco and you're trying a sample, like do you like this? Do you really like it? Well then, if you'd like it, you probably want to then invest in another cookies that you're having at Costco, but in this case, instead of a cookie, it is the Pilates membership and app. So the app really is a holistic place where people can move with workouts and there's a lot of different options so that you have autonomy to move with that short 10 minute morning flow to energize your day, or move with something a little bit longer, because you're focusing on bone density and balance work and overall strength.

Speaker 2:

So it's really the vision of it and the mission of trifecta Pilates is to bring Pilates out of the studio and into the home because we can do those short snippet classes or longer length classes. And what we're always focusing on as well is how does this support your life? And what's so beautiful is when someone emailed me and said thank you so much for taking the pressure off of workouts and giving me the power just to relax and enjoy my backyard, not feeling like I always have to do something. You know, we see these suggestions when you're brushing your teeth stand on one leg. That's really helpful with balance, and although that could be useful, I find just that stacking. It starts to feel like we're never doing enough and I'm here to say let's find what is your right balance, totally agree.

Speaker 1:

So what's that?

Speaker 2:

right balance.

Speaker 1:

Keep going.

Speaker 2:

And that's going to change. Sorry, that's going to inevitably change as you move through life. So one last visual that could be helpful. Think of the image that we so often see for balance is someone sitting in a beautiful meditation, usually on the beach palms facing up, eyes softly closed. I was recently at a Cirque de Soleil show and the high wire performers were up and they were doing this complex routine on the high wire and no one fell and their balance had to quickly shift and change. And that's what it is when we are entrepreneurs, when we are working, when we are moving our body, we want to be able to shift and make pivots Rather than just thinking it's going to be exactly the same. So be open to having adaptations and changing and try a class with me, either on YouTube or within the app.

Speaker 1:

I feel calmer and more balanced just having a conversation with you today, beth. This was so enjoyable. You shared so many nuggets of wisdom with us. Everybody go check out her classes on YouTube and her app and, beth, I'd love to have you back on differently. This was really really thought provoking, and I think it's a great and just such useful, relevant information that I think is so important to take right into our life. So, from my heart to yours, thank you so much, and thank you so much for having me on.

Speaker 2:

I wish you and everybody a beautiful day and they hope that you can join me on the mat soon. Have a great day everyone.

Speaker 1:

We'll see you soon. Hey, thanks for tuning into this episode of differently. I hope it stirred your thinking and I invite you to take one inspired action from something that stood out to you. If you want to hear more conversations like this, be sure to hit follow on your favorite podcast app, and if this episode could impact someone you know, please help us spread the word and pass it along. Remember new episodes drop weekly. See you next week.