
Elevate Your Energy with Elizabeth Cook

Carla Reeves | Life Strategy Coach

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Have you ever wondered how your personal energy shapes your daily experiences and overall life trajectory? 

This week, Elizabeth Cook joins us again to teach us how to raise our energy awareness and how small, intentional shifts can turn a frustrating situation into a an opportunity to make a difference.

Elizabeth is an Executive Coach specializing in career development and is also a Kolbe Certified™ Consultant. She works with mid-career professionals to help them enjoy their work more.

Get ready to....

  • Understand the role your energy plays in everyday life + work
  • Learn how to shift your energy from one state to another
  • Be inspired to leverage your energy in new ways
  • And, more!


Another Episode with Elizabeth:
The Power of Proactive Planning

Learn more about Elizabeth:

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Speaker 1:

I'm Karla Reeves, and this is Differently. Whether you feel stuck in survival, navigating a change or seeking more for your life, may this podcast be your weekly nudge to take a risk to build a life that is uniquely bold, authentic and in alignment with your deepest values. After a decade of coaching individuals, from corporate leaders to creative artists to multi-million dollar CEOs I'm convinced we are far closer than we realize to what we deeply desire, and it's a willingness to do differently that can change everything. Have you ever stopped to think about the one place that holds the power to shape your outcomes, impact others and even determine how you feel? Yes, your thinking is one of them, and one that we talk about often, but today we're talking about your energy. Welcome back to Differently, the podcast where we challenge the status quo and rethink what's possible.

Speaker 1:

I'm your host, karla Reeves, and today we welcome back Elizabeth Cook, who is going to shed light on the topic of our energy and how understanding and knowing how to shift our energy can change everything. We've all experienced the energy of others. You know that feeling when someone can just walk into a room, both positive and negative, and you just feel all of it. But how often are you paying attention to your own energy and the impact that it could have. This excites me so much. Listen, as Elizabeth and I have this conversation. Listen for her powerful story she shares to demonstrate this and make it so tangible so that you can take it away and put it right into your life. Today, her story reminded me of a very difficult moment where this very practice changed my entire experience. Buckle up, we'll dive into some practical ideas and strategies, some unexpected tips and maybe even a few surprises along the way. Enjoy, hi Elizabeth.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Differently, hi, karla. Thanks for having me. Today we're going to have a conversation around the importance of our energy inside of everything that we do, and how do we pay more attention to that and, I guess, more importantly, really know how to shift that energy, because I have a feeling you're going to talk about how that shifts our results. This conversation is an important one to me because I think so often we get focused on the things that we can't control and we get frustrated because we want to change either circumstances or people, and we do all these things and spend all this energy trying to do that, to much frustration and wasted energy. I love to point people back to where they do have control. Introduce this idea and why it's important to you and how it ties to that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and it's exactly what you're describing. This is a tool that I use in my coaching practice that helps you just put that in a tangible way. I think a lot of us are vaguely aware that what's happening on the inside is affecting the outside. This is a tool that makes that a little more tangible and then provides a path or some guiding post to help you make that shift. Intentionally.

Speaker 2:

I was trained through IPEC Coaching and this is an assessment that they use and teach to coaches. It's called the Energy Leadership Index and the idea is that whether you're leading others or leading yourself, it's your leading energy your own, and then by example, and just how you show up for someone is may affect how they show up, just by reaction, just by responding to you. Sometimes we lead others, whether intentionally or not, just by how we're showing up, because then they're responding to that. It's called leadership in that sense. It's not like it's just for people who have leadership in their title, but it's the idea of how you're leading your own energy and then affecting the energy of those around you.

Speaker 1:

That could not be more true. I think that we're not taught this. We don't realize what a huge player our own energy and even our thinking Our thinking is probably driving that energy. But how we show up to these little, tiny moments in our day, whether it's a conversation or a meeting or anything, that we have so much power inside of us to actually alter that experience, I think people get so frustrated. I remember learning a tool years and years ago called Already Always Listening. It was like. As humans, it's like we already know how someone's already going to be. We already know what they're going to say. Therefore, we leave no room almost for them to surprise us. We almost adjust our behavior without even realizing it, of how we're going to interact with them. When you can take a pause and actually just be responsible for your energy, it can have tremendous impact. I love this. How has this impacted you? Do you have any specific stories or things where this has shown up and wowed you?

Speaker 2:

Yes, well, I'll start by sharing my own. The idea is when you take the assessment which the assessment is helpful to know where you are in the moment, but you don't need to take the assessment to get some of the benefit that we're going to talk about today. The assessment shows you your average energy where you sit on an average day, like how you typically show up. The idea is unlike some other assessments, this one is completely attitudinal. The idea is this is where you are at this snapshot in life, but if you take some action to change it work with a coach or spend some time practicing awareness and working through some of this personal development you absolutely can change it. It's not like a life sentence. The range there's seven energy levels that it could put you in. The idea is during any given day, you might toggle between all of them, but you typically have one level that you spend the most time. They describe it as like if you were wearing blue glasses, the whole world would look blue. If you're wearing purple glasses, the world would look purple. That energy level is how you see the world.

Speaker 2:

One is the most destructive energy or the most the one that feels stressful. You're a victim. It looks like nothing will change. Why does this always happen to me? You're completely out of control, out of agency. That's the level one. Then seven is like pure zen. You're like I'm one with everything. In most people no one stays there all the time. That's like complete the goal but not the one you reach out. You're like a complete, unconditional love and pureness. Anyway.

Speaker 2:

So when I took the assessment, I was like I'm going to be like this, I'm going to be like this. And they were going through and describing the different ones. My average energy sits at like it's a three and a half, so I'm mostly at this three energy which, when you read the description, it's characterized by a sense of responsibility, tolerance and acceptance. It's on the scale. It's the first energy that is what they describe as anabolic, which is like a more positive, constructive energy. It's the entry point and it has it's like a mix. It has some one and two in there still, because it's like saying it's kind of energy that shows up as like it is what it is, it's fine, it's. I'm embarrassed, I don't think I've shared this with anyone outside of my coaching group, but it did resonate.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's this, it's. It is a there's a lot of. You can get things done, you know you are responsible for your actions, but there's this bit of acceptance and tolerance. That, and when I saw that, when I read the description and then read all of the ones available to me above that, I just had like this watershed moment because, you know, I'm 49. Like, I just thought, like when I read the description, I was like, well, yeah, that's of course, like that's how everybody thinks, right, like that's, you know, you take the good, you take the bad, but like you deal with it, you move on. Like you, you know, I had, I just had this awareness that, oh, it doesn't, I don't have to approach things that way. There are other responses available to me and I can look around the room and cause we were sharing each other's results and, like a lot of other people have this different approach. And anyway, it was just this.

Speaker 2:

I was overcome with emotion of like what a missed opportunity that I've been settling sort of for at this level in some areas and I don't have to Like there are other, there's another lens to look at the same experience, but that shifts my energy so much. And then now I've experienced that myself through being coached using this model. I mean it's just amazing, like how nothing outside is changing, but by helping shift me into a higher energy level. And my second is six, so my second's way up there, so I can pretty quickly get there with a few prompts, which six is all about connection, seeing the purpose and everything, feeling oneness with other people, and I can get there pretty easily because it's my next one. But it takes a conscious choice. It takes me or someone coaching me, asking me some questions that helps move me into that space. But it's a tremendous difference in terms of how I'm experienced the exact same situation. So that's my personal experience with it.

Speaker 1:

Wow, thank you so much for sharing all of that. I think what you described just reminded me of the gift of like. It sounds like that was such a gift, right, but it's like somebody handed you something that it was like you hadn't ever seen the world like. Right, it's like all of a sudden, you had this possibility of like oh, this could be different, right, because if, whether it's that we grew up with parents that kind of modeled, that same energy or whatever it is from your environment or circumstances like this just became a standard mode of operation for us, right, and almost we don't know that there that something else exists until somebody shows us and I think that's such a gift that we get to give as coaches right To say like, just paint a picture of like, what if this could be possible?

Speaker 1:

And then, once you saw it, you could start stepping into that. So what? Were there? Any particular moments, like with your kids or inside of your work, where you were able to shift from that three to something different, where it made that important change? Because I think that's I mean, that's part of the premise of this podcast is like taking a moment where we're willing and courageous enough to show up differently, and something that we thought wasn't possible suddenly becomes possible.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and the only thing I would just to clarify on this is the idea is we probably have all experienced each of those energy levels, so I've had a taste of it.

Speaker 2:

It's just it's not, I have. You know, based on my typical response, is more I'm hoping I've already shifted it a little bit since I first took it. But you know it's this kind of the go to, but I, you know, when you see all of the descriptions, like you know, I resonate oh my gosh, like on any given day I probably go to level one about something and you might recognize yourself more like well at work, I'm in this, you know, like level four is very much about concern for others and service and caring for others, and in some situations I experienced that that's my go to in that dynamic. And so what's really powerful about helping you shift is, once you're aware of that, like you can put yourself in that state, like you don't have to wait for the experience to create it, you can choose to go. There is what's really amazing in terms of just your own personal power and agency. So I'll give an example. So I was almost like I see, like a dial, like now.

Speaker 1:

it's like a thermostat, right, like you can. You can intentionally change that now and, by the way, we will put a link to that assessment in the show notes. Okay, great, so yes, continue.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and the idea with using it in coaching is, you know, I was trained through this program on how to kind of guide people through them. And then also, you know, I always like to educate people as I go of like what I'm doing, you know, so that they can then actively help, they can shift themselves even outside of a coaching conversation. So I'll just share a quick run through of how I was working with someone and she was very frustrated. She kind of showed up to the conversation, I would say, at a level three. She was being paired with this person at work who, as she described it, like no one likes working with her, she's like no one wants to be put on the schedule with this person. And so, as she was telling me, she kind of dropped to a two and even to a one, because the two was like blaming the other person, to his kind of conflict energy, and she was saying, you know, this person, I guess, is, just as she was describing it, very rude and very difficult personality. And then she kind of dropped to a one, saying, like this always happens to me, like I'm always the one scheduled with her, but her primary energy around it was, like you know she does do her work, so it's all right, it's fine, I can handle it. It's just now that I know she's like this. It's a very level three, like I'm tolerating it. But there's still a mix of that one and two creeping up.

Speaker 2:

So first I was kind of shifting her into the four. So I was asking her well, what is tell me about this other person? Like, what is it, what is it like for her working with you? Just something to kind of shift her focus to this other person. And she went immediately into telling me well, you know she really is struggling. She had something horrible happen in her personal life and I know she does seem to work better with me than other people. Like I've heard people say like that she seems to get along better with me. So that probably helps her to be paired with me and she's a good person. She just, you know, has these hard interpersonal interactions. So as soon as she started thinking about that other person I'm hearing a lot more for energy. She's like probably is good for her that she has me because she does seem to respond better to me. So maybe that's a good thing for her and that'll help her, you know, to be paired with me.

Speaker 2:

So then in going to five, five is really the level where it's like a win-win and so it's not only like if four is thinking how does she win, five is like how do we both win. So I asked her what might be the opportunity for you and being paired with her, and so almost immediately she started saying, well, I'm probably going to have to work with a lot of difficult people and you know, if I want to step into a leadership role, I'm going to need to develop that skill set. So I guess, if I looked at it that way, you know, when I'm working with her, I'm like developing that skill set, I'm getting better at working with difficult people. So immediately, I mean her whole energy she was seeing it as this opportunity to learn that this time with this woman was going to prepare her for this future role. So then I was going to see, and this was like in 10 minutes, and I was like this is going to see if we can get to a six.

Speaker 2:

So six is this connection, it is the idea of synthesis.

Speaker 2:

Instead of we win, it's like everyone always wins because we're all connected and so and it's about like your purpose.

Speaker 2:

So I was started to ask her about, well, how might that relate to, like, your purpose in life or what you see as your, you know, your contribution in the world? And she said well, you know, I've always seen myself as an advocate for others and, whether it's at work or personal life, like, I tend to be the person who speaks up for other people. And she said, you know, I do think this person, because she has a difficult personality, people misunderstand her and I think if I have some more interactions with her and understand her better, I may be able to advocate for her in this workplace and just kind of learn better how to advocate for people who are on the outside of situations. So I mean, it was beautiful and it was like within 10, 15 minutes max, it was. It was amazing and she, like she came to the conversation really frustrated that she was paired with this person again and she left feeling like empowered, seeing herself as this, this larger vision it was. It was beautiful.

Speaker 1:

That's why we do what we do, right, yeah, yeah, it's, I mean, amazing to just like think about how that state changed for her. In with just a series of questions and kind of inner exploration you reminded me of years and years ago. I was at a conference in Vegas for work. I was working inside of a coaching company at that time and my mom had to go in for emergency surgery and I was freaking out because I couldn't get there in time for the surgery so it didn't make sense for me to leave. But I was so worried about my mom and I remember talking to the leader of that company at the time and she was such a mentor for me and she, she just started asking me kind of some similar questions that you were asking. She was like, well, I understand that you're worried, and but she asked a question like, well, what would your, what would your mom want you to be thinking about her?

Speaker 1:

Because what I was, the story I was telling myself, was my mom is elderly, she's fragile, she's weak, like is she going to make it through this surgery and all these things that were just escalating my worry and fear.

Speaker 1:

And she asked me like what, what, what else is true about your mom and like, well, she's strong and she's feisty and she's this and she's that, and you can just feel right, like my energy started to shift and then she said what would your mom want you to be thinking about her and what would she want you to be? You know, feeling right now Like what, what would really help her? And that just helped me entirely shift into like holding my mom in this like strong place of, like she's you know, she's strong and she's capable to make it through this and she's a fighter. And like it helped me and I just have to believe that it helped my mom too, and that's something that I have not thought of in a really long time, but she was basically walking me through what you're talking about. Yeah, and that was life altering for me in that moment.

Speaker 2:

Wow, what a beautiful story yeah.

Speaker 1:

So even that worried energy like I don't know, is there a worried spot on the spectrum of that?

Speaker 2:

Those energy, yes, so that's usually one and the idea is, like I said, we all shift into that and they actually, when you take the assessment, you get your average response and then your stress response, which I think for everyone I've ever seen most of your energy and stress is in that one or two. So that's, you know. The idea is it's not that you're never going to experience it, it's how long are you going to stay there and how quickly? You know how, how resilient are you, how quickly do you bounce back to those, those?

Speaker 1:

higher energies, yeah, and just knowing that you have this ability within you to really shift that state and not feel trapped by it so powerful. Yes, so are there a couple like tangible starting points of people are curious Is this an assessment that they take through you, or or are there other steps that you would recommend? Just kind of getting started and exploring this a bit more?

Speaker 2:

Yes, so the benefit of the assessment is is seeing where, where you sit, like your average, because it gives you a path of where, where to go, and there also is a 360 assessment to it. So for leaders, if they want to see how, or anyone that doesn't have to be a leader but want to see how other people are perceiving their energy level, it can be a really great tool for that. So, yes, I definitely administer the assessment. I would say, if you want to, just even before doing that, some of the, the questions that just if that you can try out for yourself to see how it works is is the and it always depends on where you are. But if you were asking, you know shifting the focus to somebody else is always going to put you closer to that. For so you know what's, what might, might it be like for them, what do you think they're experiencing? The asking what the opportunity is or what you might learn, that question helps shift you into five and that's just.

Speaker 2:

I have found that question to be one of my go to questions because almost always people can, can see that, see some opportunity, and it's not so much like a silver lining, because that's more like three energy but like, how might this be one of the questions that you might be asking? It's really be an opportunity for for you and the other person. You know what, what that's one of my go to. So I would say, maybe even just playing around with asking yourself those questions. There is an app it's called the scope app and it's I'm pretty sure it's free. It's free, the scope app that walks you through a couple questions in the moment that will show you your where your resonating energy level is in the moment and gives you some tips and, if you're working with a coach, that can be sent directly to the coach and they can monitor it. But it's something you could play around with on your own just to test it out.

Speaker 1:

Nice, great, great, great ideas. So how tell us how you tie this into your work with clients like what is it? How do you help people and guide people in what you're doing today?

Speaker 2:

Yes, so I tend to use it integrated into any coaching conversation that I'm having, because really it affects everything. Now there there are people you can do like an energetic makeover. I'd love to do that. I'll be honest, I haven't done that for anybody yet, but I love the idea of it, where you go through in each of your kind of wheel of life buckets and see where your energy level is and then shift to go to a higher energy level. But to be fully transparent, I haven't sold that one, or I don't even have that listed anywhere, but I think it'd be really fun to do.

Speaker 1:

I love that idea. I know other. It does sound fun.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I do know other coaches who do that. So I tend to work with people who are frustrated at work. So they are either trying to decide whether to quit their job or they've got to go to a higher energy level, or they've decided they want to look for something else Often something different, like a different. You know their midlife and midcareer and they kind of got into their first career for all the wrong reasons, like a lot of us did. You know, either parents suggested it or they were good at something, and the first thing they were good at people encouraged them in and now they want to take a wider view and be a little bit more intentional about how they're spending the rest of their career.

Speaker 2:

And so that is a really disruptive process for people, like when you are thinking about changing your career and you're in your late 30s or early 40s and you know you have a lot of your identity wrapped up in that career.

Speaker 2:

It can be.

Speaker 2:

It can be very disruptive and very energy draining and it can bring about a lot of this level one, level two energy. So, and if you're going to think about casting a new vision and getting clarity on a new career, you really don't want to do that from a level one or level two space. So I use it to help people shift their energy, both to help them tolerate their given situation and see if there's an opportunity to make some changes in their current role, if they can shift their energy and sometimes that is just not possible, like it's the external circumstances really are the problem, and so we first work to see is there's something internally that they can shift, that can help make that role more enjoyable and maybe a stepping stone to another role in the organization. And when that's not possible, then we need to. We want to preserve your energy as much as possible and keep it as positive and anabolic as possible so that you can approach that career decision from a place of strength and not a place of victim and conflict and that negative space.

Speaker 1:

I'm curious have you ever had somebody who you kind of have helped shift their energy and they end up realizing that maybe it wasn't a job problem but more of an energy problem?

Speaker 2:

Hmm, let me think I have. I'm working with someone now who she has decided still that it's not going to be a long-term fix, but she has definitely been able to make some changes in terms of some conflict she was experiencing and boundaries. That has helped make it much more manageable in the short term. She leads with a level four, which is a very one of the more constructive anabolic energies, but that's that. Energy is very much like service how can I help? How can I serve?

Speaker 2:

They're often fixers and problem solvers, and so you can imagine what was happening with her is she was saying yes to everyone's last minute complaints and questions and she was rushing in with this level four energy to try to be the problem solver and fix it, but then that was creating her having too much on her plate and getting overwhelmed, which then dropped her into level one and two really quickly, and so at work she was experiencing a lot more level one and level two because she was staying in that four instead of looking to the five of like.

Speaker 2:

How can I make this an opportunity where we both win? So, instead of saying yes to everything and just her seeing how that was happening and like recognizing because before she had always. You know that's. That is one of the ways that is a strength of hers at work of being this problem solver. But for her to see, looking at this framework, how it was then dropping her energy and the cause and effect just really helped motivate her to set some boundaries, like she'd been told before. She needed to set boundaries but she didn't really have the buy in. But seeing it on this chart gave her the buy in to set some boundaries.

Speaker 1:

I'm seeing why we're so aligned on so many ways, elizabeth, because you know I love this idea that you're equipping people like one to to maybe it's you know zoom out and even zooming inside, but looking at you know where, where, potentially, am I perpetuating a problem in my career to, or is it this actual circumstances and job? That's not a fit. And that's really the approach I take in my work too, because I don't want to just move somebody too quickly and then just have them sort of recreate that same scenario in a new situation. And so you're helping them sort of clear their vision, change their approach, where they are to be able to say like, is this, is this a fit? If I change myself, does it get better or is it, is there still a huge rub here and it really is time to make a career change? And then you're equipping them to make that change differently as they navigate it and then also having a set of tools to potentially do differently in that new role that they accept.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I think in in this case, what was particularly challenging is the the boundary thing was coming from this place of strength, you know. So at first for her you know she's has a reputation for being a problem solver, so it it was harder for her to have buy-in around the idea of of setting the boundary but seeing how it doesn't have to be like taking it away, because shifting it into a five, of having it be, we both win. And for her, when we talked about that, what she said was she recognized that when she's fixing the problem she's office often like solving it in that moment but not really solving the more systemic root cause, and that would be the five approach. So that and she started seeing opportunities for how oh well, now if we went back, she could see solutions that would would really get to the the root of it, and so then she got excited and then that's the whole energy shift.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then when you get excited or energized, the possibilities and the approaches and the ideas, just like opens a whole nother door to what's possible, so powerful, yes, yes. So as we close is there. If you could sort of capture the three main points you want people to leave with in regard to this, what would you say?

Speaker 2:

Well, one I would say you are always a choice and if there is something, some aspect of your life that you are unhappy with, you are always a choice. You may not like your and I I hesitate to say that because I am sure there are hard and horrible scenarios and I still believe you are always a choice and that doesn't mean, like you know, you're going to be able to get rid of all of the horrible things that might be happening and you still have options. And just coming from that place of believing that you have power and agency in the situation is I just believe that that is true and so I want people to believe that and see ways that they can be a choice and what their options are. So I would say that one. I would say then, second, if you are in a situation where you are having a really hard time shifting that energy away from that, you know, victim, I have no control, I can't change anything. That's you know. Definitely, coaching can help with that, and one of the things we're trained on is coaching is one modality, therapy is another modality, and one of the things they taught us is, if someone is not able to shift out of that level one, that is, therapeutic referral. That's an indication that that is something that therapy would be better for. So I just want to put that in there, because it's sometimes it's beyond what we can do in a coaching session, and this is one way to help with that. So if you find that you're, you know, have been working with a coach or been doing personal development and you are never able to shift out of that energy you can't even remember what it feels like then that may be a time where therapy is going to be the best, the best source for you. And third, let's see.

Speaker 2:

Third, I guess another thing could be to think about. Think about times, just as you kind of heard me describe them. Think about some highlights, some good times and we felt like your energy was at a great place. And think about what were our journal about, what were some of the circumstances that created that, and see if that's something you could recreate in a different circumstance. You know whether that's, you know, playing music that really shifts you into that state of mind, or a scent or something about some social interaction that puts you there. But just recognizing, oh, I don't have to wait till I feel that way, like that vacation energy. You know how you feel when you go to a new place for the first time and it feels so like so many possibilities, so many things that you can do. Imagine if you could like create that sense in another experience without having to go on vacation. Not that vacation is bad, but just play around with that idea.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so, and I'll on that note, I'll just add one more is just experiment, play with it. Right, which is what you're just kind of leading into, is it doesn't have to be a perfect, but it can be a practice and explore it, try it on, see if it fits, play with it and see what, how you can really shift not only your experience but your results in that particular moment. So many gems, elizabeth. For people listening, you can go back to September of 2023, and Elizabeth was on talking about goals, so make sure you take a listen there. We will put links to the things that Elizabeth mentioned in the show notes and, just in closing, where can people find out more about the work you do?

Speaker 2:

Thanks for asking, carla. So my website is Elizabeth cook, consulting calm, and I'm very active on LinkedIn, so I'd love to connect with you there.

Speaker 1:

Amazing. Thank you so much again for sharing your wisdom and the work you're doing in the world. Thank you for the work that you're doing. Thank you for raising and inspiring us to raise our energy state. It's such good work.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Carla.

Speaker 1:

Hey, thanks for tuning into this episode of differently. I hope it stirred your thinking and I invite you to take one inspired action from something that stood out to you. If you want to hear more conversations like this, be sure to hit follow on your favorite podcast app, and if this episode could impact someone you know, please help us spread the word and pass it along. Remember new episodes drop weekly. See you next week.