
Mindset Check-in: New Year, Clear Mind

Carla Reeves | Creator of The Differently Coaching Experience

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Episode Overview

Welcome to another empowering episode of Differently! Whether you’re bursting with new-year energy or feeling the weight of the season, this episode is here to meet you where you are. Carla introduces a simple yet transformative practice—a mindset check-in—designed to help you navigate the mental noise and realign with your deepest values.

What You'll Learn

  • The Power of Thought Management: How calming your mind can create ripple effects across all areas of your life.
  • Why You Shouldn’t Believe Every Thought: Discover the freedom of becoming the gatekeeper of your thoughts.
  • A Simple Awareness Exercise: Start observing your inner dialogue without judgment.

Episode Highlights

  • Mindset Check-In: Carla shares a monthly practice to care for your "thought life" and manage the constant chatter in your mind.
  • Core Principle: "Don’t believe everything you think." Learn to detach from thoughts and reclaim your power over them.
  • Guided Reflection:
    • Take an inventory of your thoughts.
    • Reflect on how these thoughts impact your mood, energy, and actions.
    • Begin noticing patterns with blameless discernment.

Action Steps

  1. Daily Awareness Practice:
    Spend a few moments each day noticing your thoughts and their impact.
  2. Extra Credit: Track your thoughts for five consecutive days in a journal.
  3. Join the Community: Explore Carla’s interactive journaling platform to declutter your mind and find support.

Quotes to Remember

  • "The fact that you can observe your thoughts means you are separate from them. They are not you."
  • "A deep change in the way that you live requires a deep change in the way that you think."

Resources & Links

  • Interactive Journaling: Start your journey with Carla’s journaling dashboard.
  • Website: www.CarlaReeves.com
  • Email: Carla@CarlaReeves.com

Sign Up for FREE CLASS:  https://carlareeves.com/freeclass

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Website: https:/www.carlareeves.com/
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Go to https://carlareeves.com/freeclass to get The Class schedule, sign up, and/or pass it on to a friend. Each month is a new topic. Come hang out and learn with us for FREE!
Go to https://www.carlareeves.com/getunstuck.com to download Carla's on demand journaling workshop + exercise to help you stop spinning and start moving forward.

Explore Coaching with Carla: https://bookme.name/carlareeves/lite/explore-coaching

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Thank you for listening!

Speaker 1:

I'm Carla Reeves, and this is Differently. Whether you feel stuck in survival, navigating a change, or seeking more for your life, may this podcast be your weekly nudge to take a risk to build a life that is uniquely bold, authentic and in alignment with your deepest values. What if you worried less about the bumps in the road and instead got equipped for the journey? Get ready to rethink what's possible. Hey, differently. Listener, I'm so excited you're here and back for another episode. It's the beginning of the year, new goals, new aspirations and lots of good energy. And if you're not feeling that way, don't worry, that's okay too, and that's actually what this episode is all about.

Speaker 1:

I felt inspired at the beginning of the year to start to do a mindset check-in once a month, and so that's what we're doing today. This is a practice, and one that has the power to change your world in the most amazing way. A noisy, untamed brain can literally wreak havoc in our lives. Have you experienced that? From our health to our most important relationships, to the way we show up at work or on the job, and it can feel out of control. Way we show up at work or on the job, and it can feel out of control, but I have good news, because it's the one thing that is actually within our control, and taking some small steps to regain control of your mind has far reaching impact into all the areas of your life. Did you hear that, instead of addressing all the different areas of your life, you could focus on this one thing that would actually have potential to touch all areas of your life? You can focus on calming your mind and managing the traffic in your mind, in your head, and this will impact everything over time. So imagine I want you to imagine having the ability because it is a skill and a practice that we can develop to be mindful of your own thinking and know how to soothe your own mind, know how to calm the mental noise on your own, despite what's happening in your life, because you can always count on this calm place within and if you are a God-centered person or have faith in your life, that just takes that exponentially to all kinds of other levels, right? So this isn't something that we're typically taught in school or even at home, and I'm on a mission to teach you and others how to manage this part of your life, because it's so powerful Tapping into your God-given ability has become, or tapping into, sorry. This God-given ability has become one of the most important tools and things that I focus on in my life, and this tool has taken me from feeling once at the very mercy of the circumstances in my life to feeling like I have creative agency every day, regardless of what is actually taking place in my life.

Speaker 1:

So I like to call it caring for our thought life, and our thoughts run 24 seven and, whether we realize it or not, this has such incredible impact on the way that we see, interpret and show up to everything in our world. So what does it actually mean to take care of your thought life? Um, well, let's let's talk about the new year. What does it actually mean to take care of your thought life? Well, let's talk about the new year, and you start out with goals and excited and inspired about things, and then what happens? The mind starts to spin. Certain tracks, maybe, that have played for a long time in your head Negativity or fear or doubt start to show up. That's what we're talking about paying attention to and making it our responsibility to manage that.

Speaker 1:

So, for today, I want to start with one of our first thought management principles that we work with, with our private coaching clients, and this principle is don't believe everything you think. Let me repeat that Don't believe everything you think. I'm giving you permission, and if you've been listening to the podcast for a while, this isn't the first time that you've heard me say that Guess what you don't have to believe every thought that comes through your head. Isn't that great news? That also means that you now get to be the watch person and the gatekeeper for the thoughts that are there and the thoughts that you allow to linger.

Speaker 1:

So let me ask you today, I want you to just take a moment, whether you're walking or sitting or driving in your car, I want to invite you to just take an inventory of your mind with blameless discernment, so no judgment, just noticing and being aware of what's traveling between your ears today. So the question is and this can be taken to a um, a notebook or a piece of paper or your online journal what do you, what have you been thinking about today? And I want you to sit with that for a minute and really look, kind of scan through the morning or the afternoon or whatever time of day you're in, what thoughts have been hanging out in your mind today lately. And then the next question I want you to sit with is how are these thoughts impacting your mood, your energy, your actions or inactions? And this might sound really simple, but that's all we're starting with today. But that's all we're starting with today.

Speaker 1:

The first step, if you're new to this, is simply to become aware of what is happening between your ears at any given moment on any given day. And guess what? The fact that you can observe it means that you're separate from your thoughts. They are not you. That is great news. Okay, friend, so that's it for today as far as that goes. And one simple action for you is just to start paying more attention. Just notice, with blameless discernment, what's happening in your mind and what is the impact on you. And if you want extra credit, you can take inventory each day for the next five days and see what you discover. Don't get discouraged if you find a lot of negativity, self-doubt, fear. This is human and normal. We all have this, and I want you to be encouraged that you are taking a step in understanding the landscape of your own mind and your own thought life, and you have the power to clean it up. But today we're just talking about awareness. Just noticing this is the first step, so keep going and come back to the podcast each week for ideas and inspiration and reminders, and be on the lookout for a mindset check-in next month too.

Speaker 1:

I'm committed that we get really good at this. Exercises like these are what we ask our clients to do in the online interactive journaling dashboard. What's cool about this is that you're not alone in your journal or your thoughts and it actually talks back to you and helps you sort through and clean up the thoughts in your mind. If that sounds crazy, don't worry. We're here to create a judgment-free space and be a stand for you in elevating your mind. We have our own barrage of thoughts that we deal with on the daily and we're walking this work in our lives right next to you. So come check that out. We have spots open in the new year to come journal with us. If you're curious, go to Carla Reevescom or reach out to me personally at Carla at Carla Reevescom until next week.

Speaker 1:

My friend, remember, a deep change in the way that you live requires a deep change in the way that you think. It's time to think and do differently. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Differently. It's been an honor to share this conversation with you. You know, one of the keys to living fully is to take action when you're inspired to do so. I hope you found that spark of inspiration today and would you help us spread the word. Did someone you know come to mind while you were listening? If this episode could impact someone you know, please share it and pass it along. New episodes drop weekly, so tap that subscribe button and join us next time as we continue to challenge the status quo and get equipped to live life differently.